You should check you answers after you finish the paper.
A. [A] Right.
B. [B] Wrong.
C. [C] Doesn't say.
A. 睦邻友好,求同存异
B. 结成地区性的军事集团
C. 利益完全一致
D. 只能从本国利益出发
You should go to bed early every night.
A. [A] Right.
B. [B] Wrong.
C. [C] Doesn't say.
A. 头孢氨苄
B. 硫酸阿米卡星
C. 氯霉素
D. 头孢唑林
E. 琥乙红霉素
The dentist has decided to pull out her bad tooth.()
A. repair
B. extract
C. take
D. dig