
Bushfire (山火) victims have reacted angrily after being told they must present identification to get Federal Government assistance, despite most having lost everything. An open letter published in a News Limited newspaper this morning questioned the ability of Centrelink, the government-appointed agency, to quickly distribute the payments of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child. News Ltd journalist Gary Hughes, who escaped the fires at St Andrews, said when he and others fronted Centrelink on Monday they were told there would be no financial help unless they could produce a driver’s license or bank statement. "What’s that meant to be, some cruel joke" Mr. Hughes wrote. "Losing everything means just that—everything. There are many like us who didn’t have time to calmly pause to collect wallets and purses as we fled our homes with wet towels over our faces to avoid choking (窒息) to death". Human Services Minster Joe Ludwig has apologized for the inconvenience and says all efforts are being made to ensure people get the help they need. "I don’t know the precise details but we are sorry if it did happen," Senator Ludwig said. "We have instructed Centrelink to take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity." He says while identification was helpful, a signature would be enough, adding that about 800 applicants for assistance had already received the money. Fire victims became angry when they learned that ______.

A. Centrelink had no ability to distribute the money
B. the financial help would not be delivered quickly
C. children will get much less money than adults
D. they must show identification to get the money


牙防小分队进驻某小学后,与校领导和卫生老师一起研究了口腔保健工作计划,准备开展工作 口腔健康检查应该至少()。

A. 半年1次
B. 每年1次
C. 2年1次
D. 每学期1次
E. 有问题随时检查


某区妇幼保健院与口腔保健人员合作在一住宅小区开展妇幼口腔保健工作,工作成效显著,牙防组向全市推广他们的经验时,提到 除了家长和孩子外,口腔保健人员还应注意对()。

A. 物业管理人员培训
B. 爷爷奶奶的培训
C. 幼儿园老师培训
D. 孩子保姆的培训
E. 社区公众培训

Bushfire (山火) victims have reacted angrily after being told they must present identification to get Federal Government assistance, despite most having lost everything. An open letter published in a News Limited newspaper this morning questioned the ability of Centrelink, the government-appointed agency, to quickly distribute the payments of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child. News Ltd journalist Gary Hughes, who escaped the fires at St Andrews, said when he and others fronted Centrelink on Monday they were told there would be no financial help unless they could produce a driver’s license or bank statement. "What’s that meant to be, some cruel joke" Mr. Hughes wrote. "Losing everything means just that—everything. There are many like us who didn’t have time to calmly pause to collect wallets and purses as we fled our homes with wet towels over our faces to avoid choking (窒息) to death". Human Services Minster Joe Ludwig has apologized for the inconvenience and says all efforts are being made to ensure people get the help they need. "I don’t know the precise details but we are sorry if it did happen," Senator Ludwig said. "We have instructed Centrelink to take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity." He says while identification was helpful, a signature would be enough, adding that about 800 applicants for assistance had already received the money. The sentence "take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity" (Paragraph 7) means that ______.

A. victims may sign a document to get new identification
B. identification will not be required for financial assistance
C. 800 families will be allowed to get the money first
D. identity may be accepted without an official paper
