
The world's first large electronic computer (1946) ______.

A. was built after the World War Ⅱ
B. was used for over 10 years
C. contained 25000 valves
D. could perform only 10000 calculations per second


One of the great revolutions of all time that occurred in 1948 was ______.

A. the invention of a transistor
B. the discovery of silicon
C. the production of a crystal called a diode working like a valve
D. the beginning of the start of microelectronics

Which of the following is true?

A. The third generation of computer started in 1966.
B. Intel devised the System 870 that contained semiconductor memories in 1970.
C. IBM developed the first floppy disk.
D. Since 1969, keyboard, mouse and windows concepts have become the standard user interface to computer systems.

College computer courses always require students to have a comparable understanding in both hardware and software.

Which of the following is not true?

A. In 1959, IBM made its first commercial transistorized computer.
B. In 1961, the first commercial integrated circuit came into being.
C. In 1962, the second generation of computers started.
D. In 1963, the first advance was the production of the Model 33 keyboard.
