According to Austin, which of the following utterances can be regarded as a constative?
A. I apologize.
B. I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth.
C. I declare the meeting open.
D. He has killed a tiger.
A. 应使用黏性较大的黏合剂,克服松片
B. 制粒对,宜采用较高浓度的乙醇
C. 应在较低湿度环境下制备
D. 压片压力不宜过大
E. 包装时应注意防潮
Which of the following theories has nothing to do with child language acquisition?
A. Contextualist view
Behaviorist view
C. Innatist view
D. Interactionist view
A. 滑石粉
B. PEG 6000
C. 微粉硅胶
D. 氢化植物油
E. 硬脂酸镁
The error in the sentence "I lost my road" is an example of______.
A. addition
B. substitution
C. omission
D. misordering