
In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form. of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 2 minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.
For two or three candidates
I'm going to describe a situation.
Your company is planning to hold a new product launch. Talk together about the topic the company could arrange in the product launch and decide which 3 you think are most important.
Here are some ideas to help you.
Prompt material
-- Advertisement
-- Posters
-- Market prospect
-- Raw material
-- Output
-- Cost
-- Consumer


Chicago and Los Angeles have delegated responsibility for crime rates to local commanders.

Electroluminescence from organic compounds negates the need for ______.

The results of a trial conducted in Belgium.

某工程业主与承包人签订了工程施工合同,工期为4个月。合同中含两个子项工程,估算工程量甲项为2 500m3,乙项为3 000m3;合同价甲项为200元/m3,乙项为150元/m3。承包合同规定:(1)开工前业主应向承包人支付合同价款20%的预付款;(2)业主自第一个月起,从承包人的工程款中,按5%的比例扣留滞留金;(3)当子项工程实际工程量超过估算工程量的10%时,可进行调价,调整系数为0.9;(4)根据市场情况规定价格调整系数平均按1.2计算;(5)根据工程师签发月度付款最低金额为25万元;(6)预付款在最后两个月扣除,每月扣50%。承包人每月实际完成并经监理工程师签证确认的工程量见下表。
