● Firewall is a ___(74)___ mechanism used by organizations to protect their LANs from
(74)A. reliable B. stable C. peaceful D. security
● 当网络出现连接故障时,一般应首先检查 (65) 。
A. 系统病毒
B. 路由配置
C. 物理连通性
D. 主机故障
● Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting ___(71)___ files are linked ether to make an executable application.
(71)A. assembler B. source C. library D. object
● In C language, a ___(67)___ is a series of characters enclosed in double quotes.
(67)A. matrix B. string C. program D. stream
● ___(66)___ is a device that converts images to digital format.
(66)A. Copier B. Printer C. Scanner D. Display