
.In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned their crucial stores to pillage and had nothing then but their lives.

B. firing
D. killing


They wore great black hats and bright ample shirts that shook in the wind.

A. insufficient
B. large
C. angry
D. petty

The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water…

A. sway
B. twist
C. increase
D. howl

My grandmother had a reverence for the sun, a holy regard that now is all but gone out of mankind.

A. respect
B. ponder
C. depression
D. honor

In order to consummate the ancient sacrifice — to impale the head of a buffalo bull upon the medicine tree — a delegation of old men journeyed into Texas…

A. commemorate
B. complete
C. raise
D. gather
