

A. 在C中,调用函数时,只能把实参的值传送给形参,形参的值不能传送给实
B. C函数既可以嵌套定义又可以递归调用
C. 函数必须有返回值,否则不能使用函数
D. C程序中有调用关系的所有函数必须放在同一个源程序文件中


若有以下程序void f(int n);main(){ void f(int n);f(5);}void f(int n){ printf("%d\n",n); }则以下叙述中不正确的是

A. 若只在主函数中对函数f进行说明,则只能在主函数中正确调用函数f
B. 若在主函数前对函数f进行说明,则在主函数和其后的其它函数中都可以正确调用函数f
C. 对于以上程序,编译时系统会提示出错信息:提示对f函数重复说明
D. 函数f无返回值,所以可用void将其类型定义为无值型

下面程序输出的结果是 【 】#define MAX 3int a[MAX];main(){ fun1( ); fun2( a ); printf("\n");}fun1( ){ int k, t=0;for (k=0;k

Listen to the following short conversations twice and choose the best answer to each question you hear in the recording.

A. $6.00.
B. $10.50.
C. $15.00.
D. 9.50.

Listen to the following short conversations twice and choose the best answer to each question you hear in the recording.

A. He wants to have a talk with her.
B. He asks her to see the director.
C. He asks her what she can do for him.
D. He asks her to make a schedule for his meeting with the director.
