

A. 不畏困难,磨练意志
B. 坐而论道,闭门造车
C. 自我欣赏,自我陶醉
D. 虚心学习,择善而从



A. 伽利略
B. 开普勒
C. 哥白尼
D. 托勒密

The characteristics of information are ______ those of other economic resources.

A. same with
B. different from
C. contrary to
D. opposite to

The proper title for this passage should be ______.

A. information society
B. characteristics of information
C. two major utilitarian connotations
D. information as a resource and commodity

According to this passage, the market share of ______.

A. the U. S. information service sector was equivalent to 40 percent of the global market share
B. the U. S. information service sector was about one-seventh of the global market share
C. computers in the United States had reached about $ 3. 5 billion by 1992
D. computers in the United States is much smaller than that of television
