
M: Oh. I'm sorry. Didn't you say 1323 Willson?
W: No, 3023. It's OK though. You don't have to take me there, I can walk from here.
M: Why don't I just make a U turn at the corner?
W: Well, you shouldn't make a U turn there. It's the one-way, street. See the sign up the head?
M: Well, maybe if I turn left here I can comedown the next street,
W: You can't do that either during the rush hour. Really though, don't go to any trouble. Sometimes one can wait 30 minutes for a taxi. So I'm happy to get this close,
M: Thirty minutes! I've been riding around all day looking for passengers.
Who are the speakers?

A passer-by and a policeman.
B. A passer-by and a driver.
C. A passenger and a taxi-driver.



A. where
B. although
C. when
D. somehow


A. 毛花苷丙0.4mg稀释后静脉推注
B. 呋噻米静脉推注
C. 口服地高辛0.25mg
D. 多巴酚丁胺静脉滴注

A.The traffic jam.B.Constant stopping at bus-stops.C.The rudeness of the passengers on

A. The traffic jam.
B. Constant stopping at bus-stops.
C. The rudeness of the passengers on the bus.
D. The rude behavior. of the bus driven


A. 合理的选择感知类型。比较各类感觉的反应时间,发现听觉和知觉反应时间最短,约0.1~0.2s,其次是触觉和视觉。所以在设计各类机器时,应根据操纵控制情况,合理选择感觉通道,尽量选用反应时间短的通道去控制和调节机器
B. 适应人的生理和心理要求,按人机工程学原则去设计机器
C. 操作者操作技术的熟练程度直接影响反应速度,应通过训练来提高人的反应速度
D. 全部动作都用听觉和知觉去完成,这样就可以减少反应时,使动作更加灵敏、迅速
