Which statement is not right about infection of gonococcus?
A. Gonococcus causes septicemia and bacteremia in most infected patients .
B. Sexual transmission may cause the dissemination of the disease among population;
C. The disease caused by gonococcus is gonorrhea;
D. Gonococcal infection affects the reproductive tracts of the patients.
Which statement is not right about diagnosis of gonococcal infection?
A. Inoculate the specimen on chocolate plate to isolate the gonococcus;
B. Gonococcal colony is alpha-hemolytic on chocolate plate.
C. Observing Gram negative diplococcus can determine infection;
D. Collect discharged pus from urinal tract as specimen;
Which virulent factors could cause damage to the immunity of the patient infected with gonococcus?
A. Ig A protease
B. P-I protein in outer membrane
C. P-II protein in outer membrane
D. P-III protein in outer membrane
A. 人参
B. 黄芪
C. 白术
D. 山药
A. 当归
B. 何首乌
C. 地黄
D. 枸杞子