In multipoint networks , there are tree persistence methods when a station finds a channel the 1-persistent method,after the station finds the line idle,it sends its frame immediately.this met
A. the lowest
B. the highest
C. possible
D. no
Digital Signal Processing (DSP), has emerged as an important technology for modem electronic systems. It is a form of ______ that is one of the newest and hottest fields, and is considered to be the w
A. embedded design
B. programming
C. kernel
D. software
An embedded device is a ______ that has been devised to perform some certain functions. It is dedicated to execute a particular task that might require processors that are powerful.
A. peripheral
B. computer system
C. kernel
D. user design
In computing, a device driver (commonly referred to as simply a driver) is acomputer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer. A driver provides ___
A. a software interface
B. a programming language
C. a function
D. an Internal Bus