The belief that your cultural group is superior to that of others is known as:()
B. Cultural Inferiority
C. Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority
D. Levels of Culture
What are subcultures()
A. The many different kinds of prejudices many people have
B. The belief that your own culture is far superior to that of others
C. The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture
D. They are overgeneralizations designed to hurt others
A. 面质应建立在良好的辅导关系基础
B. A.避免个人发泄
C. A.尽可能使用尝试性面质
D. A.适当的自我表露
A. 轻视求助者的问题
B. A.转移话题做道德或正确性的评判
C. A.急于下结论
D. A.重视“说”,轻视“听”
A. 应在适当的时候做出回应,对求助者的感受表示理解并加以引导
B. 朋辈心理辅导员在倾听时不要随便打断求助者的叙述
C. 朋辈心理辅导员不仅倾听求助者的语言内容,而且也注意求助者语言叙述屮语调的变化、声调的高低强弱,以及伴随求助者语言行为而出现的非语当行为
D. B.朋辈心理辅导员以机警和同感的态度深入到求助者的烦恼中去,细心地注意求助者的所言所行