某农民在夏收双抢作业中突然头晕、耳鸣、口渴、大汗、恶心、四肢无力,体温37.6℃,应给予何种处理?( )
A. 头部、腋下放冰袋
B. 氯丙嗪加5%葡萄糖液静脉滴注
C. 在阴凉处休息,给予清凉含盐饮料
D. 0.9%盐水静脉滴注
E. 冰水浸浴
病人,男,20岁,在海边游玩时不慎被卷入海水中,被他人救起后,神志不清,急送附近医院。该病人可输入哪种溶液( )
The air sacs through which gases are exchanged in the lungs are the ________.
A. trachea
B. alveoli
C. bursae
D. bronchi
The structure that holds the vocal cords is the ________.
A. larynx
B. tongue
C. uvula
D. tonsils
The tubes that carry air from the trachea into the lungs are the ________.
A. arteries
B. nares
C. veins
D. bronchi