2. Which of the following statements about making friends is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. If you need to ask for someone’s name again, you should do it three months later.
B. Introduction after introduction can make you feeloverwhelmed.
C. You should start a conversation and ask questions.
D. It’s understandable if you need to ask for someone’sname again.
3. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Everyone in college is in the same boat.
B. It’s not polite to ask for someone’s name again.
C. Be yourself and try to make some friends at college.
D. You can find people you like right away.
A. 朝鲜海峡
B. 黄海
C. 里海
D. 日本海
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 四
解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一,是全体中华儿女共同愿望,是中华民族根本利益所在。中共十八大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央的坚强领导下,在两岸同胞共同努力下,两岸关系取得了重要成果。两岸关系和平发展的政治基础是(B )
A. 深化两岸利益融合,共创两岸互利双赢,增进两岸同胞福祉
B. 坚持一个中国原则
C. 相互尊重,求同存异
D. 增强两岸同胞的民族认同、文化认同、国家认同