The phrase Still others in paragraph 3 refers to
A. students from New York University
B. eighth-floor workers
C. ninth-floor workers
D. routes of escape
A. dying
B. died
C. dead
D. death
A. 卡特尔、辛迪加和托拉斯开始形成
B. 直接物质生产部门在国民经济中的比重下降
C. 劳动密集型产业大幅度增加
D. 社会分裂为两大对立阶级
She wanted some one to meet her because _____.
A. she was told to do so
B. she would be tired out after the trip
C. she would carry a lot of things
D. she didn't know where the station was
A. 2008、2009年江苏省实际利用外资、专利授权量均居全国第一
B. 2009年江苏省规模以上工业实现增加值与高技术产业增加值的比值为0.76
C. 2009年江苏省城镇居民人均可支配收入大于农村居民人均纯收入
D. 2009年江苏省第三产业增加值在三次产业增加值中增速最快