As the outdoor concert attracted crowds of teenagers, the organizer made sure police and volunteers were present throughout the event, just in case.
The proud woman intensely loved her son and would do anything to please him.
Those days the number of the unemployed, especially in the big cities, kept going up almost every day.
下列选项中的“责”,与“责任重于泰山”中的“责”意义相同的有( )?
A. 岗位职责
B. 尽职尽责
C. 严肃问责
D. 勤勉尽责
下列关于“民事责任”的说法正确的有( )?
A. 责任承担方式中包括没收违法所得
B. 主要是一种救济责任
C. 责任承担方式中的“继续履行”主要适用于合同关系
D. 责任承担方式中的“支付违约金”主要适用于侵权关系