When and how can you use the Situational Leadership model?
A. On school projects
B. On work projects
C. As a manager in a global company
D. As the founder of a startup
E. All of the above
Which gear is missing from the Gear Up Model that can be added as Gear 10?
A. Customers
B. Delight
C. Social Impact
D. Competition
E. Team
F. Go Global
A.open the door to B. in advance C.all at once D. reap the benefits (of) E. make the most of F. over time G. get by H. stand a chance (of) I remind.. of J. take pleasure inYellow flowers in the field always___me___my childhood in the countryside.
A.open the door to B. in advance C.all at once D. reap the benefits (of) E. make the most of F. over time G. get by H. stand a chance (of) I remind.. of J. take pleasure inThey all tried to talk_____, but I couldn't hear anything they said.
2017 年安全生产月期间,某市安全监管部门对本市企业进行安全生产随机抽查。依据《安 全生产法》 的规定,安全生产监督检查人员在执法检查中的做法,正确的是
A. 在对某化工企业检查时,为保证检查效果,先要求企业停产配合检查,后发现某机电设备为 国家明令淘汰禁止使用产品,依法做出予以查封的处理决定
B. 在对某煤矿企业检查时,发现该煤矿采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯超限,属于重大生产安全事故隐 患,责令立即从该工作面撤出作业人员,并对该矿依法做出行政处罚决定
C. 在对某加油站检查时,发现该加油站安全距离不符合规定,依法做出责令该加油站停止营业 的行政处罚,加油站拒不执行决定,遂直接通知供电部门停止供电
D. 在对某危险化学品仓储企业检查时,发现未随身携带安全生产执业证件,恰好与该企业某副 总认识,说明情况后对该企业进行了安全检