A. 腰椎穿刺后头部抬高45°
B. 多饮水
C. 尽可能用粗的穿刺针
D. 腰椎穿刺针的针尖斜面垂直与患者躯干的长轴
E. 以上都正确
In normol adult,the lumbar puncture is most often performed at which of the follow interspace
A. T12~L1
B. L1~L2
C. L2~L3
D. L3~L4
E. L4~L5
One of the most common complications is which of the follow disease
A. meningitis
B. tonsilar hernia
C. headache
D. subarachnoidhemorrhage
E. impairment of spinal card
关于咽的描述,哪项是错误的?( )
A. 为前后略扁的肌性管道
B. 是消化道和呼吸道共用的通道
C. 前壁完整
D. 下端移行为食管
E. 借咽峡与口腔相通