Refer to STCW 95: Despite the duties and obligations of pilots,their presence on board does not relieve______in charge of the navigational watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship.
A. the master
B. the master or officer
C. quarter master
D. Helmsman
A. 7.01%
B. 8.3%
C. 10.0%
D. 12.5%
The advantage(s) of using wire rope lashing on vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that it__.
A. is lighter than chain
B. has a good working life
C. is not affected by temperature
D. All of the above
The bank in the vicinity on Cambodia Pt. and Pt. Obi ______ considerably seaward.
A. were extended
B. extending
C. has extended
D. have extended
A. 大小
B. 方向
C. 变化量
D. 变化率