执行以下程序后,输出结果为。#includeint main(){char str[20]="helloworld";char *p=str;int len=0;while(*p!='\0'){len++;p++;}printf("%d\n",len);return 0;}
执行以下程序后,输出结果为。#includeint main(){char str[20]="abc123abc456789";char *p=str;int countd=0,i;for(i=0;*(p+i)!='\0';i++){if(*(p+i)>='0'&&*(p+i)<='9')countd++;}printf("%d\n",countd);return 0;}
当交换机被插入插座时,POST开始。你怎么知道POST已经完成? When a switch is plugged in to an outlet, the POST begins. How do you know POST has completed?
A. 端口LED快速闪烁绿色。 Port LEDs rapidly blink green.
B. 端口LED快速闪烁琥珀色。 Port LEDs rapidly blink amber.
C. 系统LED快速闪烁绿色。 SYS LEDs rapidly blink green.
D. 系统LED快速闪烁琥珀色。 SYS LEDs rapidly blink amber.
IOS图像文件通常存储在哪里? Where is the IOS image file typically stored?
C. USB驱动器 USB drive
D. Flash存储器 Flash memory
以下哪个是给交换机供电的三个基本步骤的正确顺序? Which of the following is the correct order of the three basic steps for powering up a switch?
A. 检查组件,将电缆连接到交换机,给交换机通电 check the components, connect the cables to the switch, power up the switch
B. 给交换机通电,检查组件,将电缆连接到交换机 power up the switch, check the components, connect the cables to the switch
C. 将电缆连接到交换机,检查组件,给交换机通电。 connect the cables to the switch, check the components, power up the switch