Bony injuries around the knee are very common,which struc-ture lies closest to a fractured lower end of femur?
A. Popliteal vein
B. Tibial nerve
C. Popliteal artery
D. Common peroneal nerve
E. Saphenous vein
Destruction of the superior gluteal nerve may disturb the normal gait by paralyzing the:
A. pirifomis
B. gluteus medius
C. gluteus maximus
D. quadratus femoris
E. adductor magnus
The mast muscular vein of the lower extremity,which is of-ten used as an arterial substitute,is the:
A. femoral
B. popliteal
C. soleal
D. posterior tibial
E. saphenous
A. 直接发自骶丛的分支
B. 是腰丛的分支
C. 沿股二头肌腱向外下斜行,绕腓骨颈分支
D. 支配小腿三头肌
E. 损伤后出现足背屈和外翻
The quadriceps femoris is composed of all the following mus-cles except:
A. vastus medialis
B. vastus lateralis
C. rectus femoris
D. sartorius
E. vastus intermedius