公路桥规规定,保证弯起筋弯起点至该钢筋充分利用截面的距离满足S1≥0.5h0,可以保证钢筋混凝土梁的( )承载力
A. 正截面抗弯
B. 斜截面抗剪
C. 斜截面抗弯
能提高钢筋混凝土受弯构件斜截面抗剪承载力的措施有( )
A. 加大截面宽度
B. 加大截面高度
C. 加大箍筋直径
D. 加大箍筋间距
E. 提高纵筋配筋率
F. 提高混凝土强度
G. 降低外荷载大小
公路桥规中,钢筋混凝土梁斜截面抗剪承载力计算公式的依据是斜截面的( )破坏
Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.worshipsurprisinglymanufactureentertainmentdatapredictattractperformance1. The bar provides a wide choice of ______________.2. The medical researchers collected _______ from over 1,000 patients.3. He __________ that there would be heavy rain tomorrow.4. Mary ____________ the writer Jack London so much that she has read all his books.5. Disneyland ________ millions of tourists each year.6. Jean’s _____________ at school has greatly improved.7. The test was ___________ easy, so all of us passed.8. The factory ______________ women’s clothing.