What are the letter or letters that can be pronounced as /ə/?
What’s the feature of pronouncing the central vowels?They are made with the tongue around the ___________ of the mouth. (答案要求为纯小写字母。)
There are only two central vowels in English: /3:/ and /ə/ .
A. 对
B. 错
The English pure vowels can be classified according to the height of the raised part of the tongue.
A. 对
B. 错
张护士,在泌尿外科上班,承担实习生的带教任务,在收集患者尿液时告知同学要特别注意观察患者尿液的颜色,在下面的讲解中错误的是( )
A. 当混有血液时呈酱油色
B. 含有脓细胞时呈白色混浊
C. 胆红素尿为黄褐色
D. 尿少为深茶色
E. 乳糜尿为乳白色