
Complete the following paragraph with key information from the text.Inspired by Paul Miller’s personal experiment of going one year with absolutely no _________, the writer went on his own short ______________. He did it because having been plugged in 24-7 for a decade, he wanted to see what would happen if he went ________ for a while. So during his winter vacation to Mexico, he didn’t go ________ except to check his email. As a result, he discovered that technology is ______ evil and technology is already a(n) ________ him now. Nevertheless, he also came to the conclusion that it is the _________ of thoughtful articles and good books, _______ snacky online content, that __________ the mind.



A. 抽象类可以实例化
B. 抽象类可以包含抽象方法
C. 抽象类可以包含抽象属性
D. 抽象类中可以包含普通方法


A. 风
B. 藤
C. 铜铃
D. 动

能作为C#程序的基本单位是( )。能作为C#程序的基本单位是( )。能作为C#程序的基本单位是( )。

A. 字符
B. 语句
C. 函数
D. 源程序文件

