

A. 定额直接费
B. 定额设备购置费*40%
C. 生产准备费
D. 规费


1 After an insulator has been electrified, the electricity does not move through the insulator as it would through a conductor.2 These free electrons usually do not move in a regular way.3 Contrary to what is often thought, the earth does not move round in the empty space.4 It is imperative to emphasize that no patient with a marked stridor should be submitted to general anaethesia.5 In general, no new substance forms in a physical change.6 Every machine here is not imported from abroad.7 In the thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat.8 Not every collision results in a chemical reaction, since many molecules do not possess the required energy.9 But friction is not always useless, in certain cases it becomes a helpful necessity.10 Both of the substances do not dissolve in water.

( )改革必须以完善产权制度和要素市场化配置为重点,实现产权有效激励、要素自由流动、价格反应灵活、竞争公平有序、企业优胜劣汰。

A. 政治体制
B. 文化体制
C. 社会体制
D. 经济体制

发展必须是科学发展,必须坚定不移贯彻( )、共享的发展理念。

A. 创新
B. 协调
C. 绿色
D. 开放

少尿是成人24h尿量少于( )

A. 800ml
B. 500ml
C. 400ml
D. 200ml
E. 100ml
