The order of the precedence (from high to low) of the operators binary +, *, &&, ||, ^ is:
A. *, +, ^, ||, &&
B. ^, ||, &&, *, +
C. *, +, &&, ||, ^
D. *, +, ^, &&, ||
Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.4. Vegetables, eggs and fruits __________(sell) in this shop.5. __________ the magazine __________(can take)out of the library?6. The case __________________(investigate) at that time.7. When __________ the building over there __________(finish)?8. I was told that the aircraft ________________(redesign)already.
Some of my American friends are looking forward to _____my home town.
A. visiting
B. be visiting
C. visit
D. having visit
Not until I began to study hard _____ how much time I had waste.
A. I have realized
B. I realized
C. have I realized
D. did I realized