

A. 根据鼻塞和反复鼻出血
B. 肿瘤有蒂或无蒂
C. 临床诊断依靠活组织检查
D. 动脉造影及X线检查
E. 好发于青年男性


关于鼻咽癌的病因中哪一种说法不正确? ( )

A. 有种族和家族聚集现象
B. 广东、广西发病率最高
C. 与鼻炎等慢性炎症密切相关
D. 男性较女性高发
E. 与环境因素有关

鼻咽癌颅内转移最可能通过的途径为( )

A. 颈内动脉
B. 卵圆孔
C. 茎突前间隙
D. 咽鼓管软骨部
E. 破裂孔

The Bible ________________.

A. is profitable for training in righteousness
B. is mainly a children's storybook
C. asserts that it is the product of God working through human writers
D. doesn't use historical accounts to reveal the character and will of God

Sin ______________.

A. is a concept that invented by religious leaders
B. is discussed only in the Old Testament
C. is limited to those who have never read the Bible
D. is a violation of the will of God
