
Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it.Model:When Albert finally __________,it was time to get up and go to work. (doze)When Albert finally dozed off,it was time to get up and go to work.1) I was surprised that Mom seemed to ________________ Kate's new boyfriend. (approve)2) I know life in Hollywood is fast-paced, but could you guys ______________ a little? (slow)3) To make pancakes, in a large mixing bowl, combine flour and water, stirring constantly until all water is ________________. (take)4) I don't want to be _______________ some lengthy argument about who is to blame. (suck)5) What ______ her __________ from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas. (set)6) As we _____, we heard somewhat the sound of approaching footsteps and voices, which jerked(猛推)us quickly back to life. (doze)7) Great works of classical music can often __________ a mixture of responses from the listener. (call)8) Joan and Jack enjoy meeting their guests and many breakfasts _____________________ the mid-morning as new friendships are made. (stretch)9) It's a complicated film, and some people may find it hard to _____________ the plot. (keep)10) An online survey shows that the majority of young people _________________ the information age and the global economy.(believe)



A. 国家医疗保障战略
B. 健康中国战略
C. 医疗服务战略
D. 中西医发展战略

老百姓解决温饱后的第一需求是( )

A. 学习
B. 劳动
C. 休闲
D. 平安

当前社会治理的重心要向( )下移落到城乡社区。

A. 农村
B. 居民社区
C. 基层
D. 厂矿企业

我们党明确提出了总体国家安全观。是因为( )

A. 为了推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化
B. 为了实现国家长治久安
C. 为了更好适应我国国家安全面临的新形势新任务
D. 为了更好与国际接轨
