Daria is a research analyst at Highend Inc. She works independently, without the need for a supervisor. When her team is offered a project, she sits with her team members to plan and organize the work. Each team member takes turns to undertake a different role. This helps them gain experience in every aspect of their work. Each team member is held accountable for his or her work, and every person works toward meeting the agreed deadline. In the given scenario, which of the following types of teams has been described?
A. Cross-departmental team
B. Functional team
C. Special-purpose team
D. Self-directed team
A group consists of people who:
A. hold themselves mutually accountable.
B. interact and coordinate regularly.
C. do related work but may not depend on each other.
D. share a specific team vision.
The leader's role during the _____ stage of team development is to encourage participation by each team member and help people findtheir common vision and values.
A. forming
B. norming
C. storming
D. performing
During the _____ stage of team development, task performance is no longer a top priority and leaders frequently focus on team members'social and emotional needs.
A. adjourning
B. forming
C. performing
D. storming
A. 诱发细胞产生抗病毒蛋白
B. 阻碍病毒吸附于敏感细胞
C. 与病毒结合,阻止其脱壳
D. 直接抑制病毒的生物合成
E. 直接抑制病毒的释放