
People can understand more about the animals and human being itself by animal testing.

A. 对
B. 错


Millions of people were killed by smallpox and rabies before the 20th century because there was no cure for these diseases.

A. 对
B. 错

Animals kept in cages in medicine laboratories suffer more from physical pain than from anxiety, stress and fear.

A. 对
B. 错

2014年10月10日,甲公司购买乙公司发行的股票30万股确认为长期股权投资,占乙公司有表决权股份的30%,对其具有重大影响,采用权益法核算。每股买入价为5.2元,其中包含有0.5元已宣告但尚未分派的现金股利,另支付相关税费0.6万元。取得投资时,乙公司可辨认净资产的公允价值为450万。甲公司长期股权投资的初始投资成本为( )万元。

A. 135
B. 141.6
C. 141
D. 156

1.企业扩建一条生产线,该生产线原价为1 000万元,已提折旧300万元,扩建生产线发生相关支出800万元,且满足固定资产确认条件,不考虑其他因素,该生产线扩建后的入账价值为( )万元。

A. 1 000
B. 800
C. 1 800
D. 1 500
