
Which of the following works expressed the desire for an escape from society and a return

A. Dreiser's Sister Carrie.
B. James's The Portrait of a Lady.
C. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
D. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.


The idea of assembly line came from

A. slaughter houses.
B. Japan.
C. auto engines.
D. cars.

According to the passage, "local dynamos" are firms that

A. are venturing abroad most eagerly.
B. tend to be more capital-intensive.
C. are prey to "export fetishism".
D. mostly focus on home market.

The passage is mainly about

A. how people should choose their jobs.
B. how to survive workplace politics.
C. what people's dream jobs are like.
D. what to do to have a dream job.

Before assembly line was introduced, the price of a Ford's car was

A. $260.
B. 130
C. 520
D. 1040
