A. 西咪替丁
B. 硫糖铝
C. 奥美拉唑
D. 山莨菪碱
E. 胶体次枸橼酸铋
Examine the following command that is used to duplicate a database on the same host: RMAN> RUN { ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL, aux 1 DEVICE TYPE DISK; DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO auxdb SKIP READONLY; \ } Which two statements describe the effect after the database is duplicated successfully? ()(Choose two)
A. The data files of the read-only tablespaces in the target database are not duplicated
B. The read-only tablespaces in the target database are still defined in new the database
C. The read-only tablespaces in the target database are changed to online after duplication
D. The data files of the read-only tablespaces in the target database get duplicated
E. The read-only tablespaces in the target database are not defined in the new database
由建设部等九部门联合发布的《廉租住房保障办法》中明确指出,行政主管部门及其工作人员在廉租住房保障工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的将依法给予处分,构成犯罪的将依法追究刑事责任。依法追究相关人员的刑事责任属于行政监督体系中的() ①司法机关的监督 ②监察机关的监督 ③行政系统内部监督 ④行政系统外部监督
A. ①③
B. ②④
C. ①④
D. ②③