A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should().
A. lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
B. administer a liquid stimulant
C. lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
D. attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousne
A. 自动延长动工开发期限2年
B. 办理有关手续后再开发建设
C. 为土地使用者置换其他等价土地
D. 确定新的土地使用者且不给予原土地使用者补偿
A. 主体资格
B. 权利主体
C. 权利存续状态
D. 特殊主体
A. 违约概率
B. 非预期损失
C. 预期损失
D. 风险价值