A. 8mm
B. 10mm
C. 12mm
D. 15mm
某公司财务部组织会计人员进行会计法律制度与会计职业道德教育的座谈会,以下是有关会计人员的观点: (1)小李认为:会计法律制度与会计职业道德都是会计人员所要遵守的规范,会计法律制度与会计职业道德本身没多大区别,而国家统一的会计制度是会计人员必须熟练掌握的,因为会计的技能都是通过统一的会计制度来熟练运用的。 (2)小王认为:本人是出纳岗位,整天与钱打交道,只要钱不出错.自己的工作算是对得起工资了,出纳工作本身也没有多大出息,什么提高技能等等都与自己的工作无关,本次会议参不参加都无所谓。 (3)小张认为:会计职业道德固然重要,但是为了单位的利益,在不违反会计法律制度的前提下,就是违背了会计职业道德也不属于个人职业道德有问题。更何况《会计法》规定,单位负责人对单位会计资料的真实性、完整性负责。如果单位负责人要求违规处理财务账目,自己就没有必要说服、规劝,甚至检举揭发。 廉洁自律的基本要求有()。查看材料
A. 公私分明
B. 不贪不占
C. 树立正确的人生观和价值观
D. 遵纪守法,一身正气
Your company has a main office and 10 branch offices. Each office connects to the Internet by using a direct link. The main office connects to the branch offices by using a WAN link. You plan to deploy Exchange Server 2010 servers in each office. You need to design Active Directory to meet the following Exchange Server 2010 requirements: .Users must be able to access their mailboxes if a single domain controller fails .Users must be able to send e-mail messages to the Internet if a WAN link fails What should you include in the design?()
A. Create an Active Directory site for each office. Deploy two global catalog servers in each site.
B. Create an Active Directory site for each office. Deploy a single domain controller in each site,and then enable site link bridging.
Create an Active Directory site for all of the offices. Deploy a global catalog server and a read-only domain controller in each site.
D. Create an Active Directory site for all of the offices. Deploy a global catalog server and two read- only global catalog servers in each Active Directory site.
A. 正确
B. 错误