
You are talking with two of your friends about a good Clint Eastwood film you saw on TV last night, but after you climb the stairs to your classroom, you’re out of breath and have to stop talking.

A. 你正在谈论和两个好朋友一个好的克林特·伊斯特伍德电影在电视上昨晚。但是当你爬楼到教室后,你就上气不接下气,不得不停下来说话。
B. 你和两个好朋友开始聊起昨晚在电视上看过的克林特·伊斯特伍德主演的一部精彩影片。但是当你爬到教室后,你就气喘吁吁,话也说不出来了。


You don’t smoke, you don’t drink alcohol, you’re not really overweight, and you always thought you were fit and healthy, but obviously you’re not.

A. 你不抽烟,不喝酒,也压根儿不超重。你一直觉得自己十分健康。但显然你并不健康。
B. 你不抽烟,不喝酒,也不超重。你一直觉得自己十分健康。但显然你不是。

Research in the UK shows that you’re not getting enough “extreme exercise,” especially if you’re a girl. The average 50-year-old British man is probably fitter than the average 15-year-old British girl.

A. 英国的研究表明,你的“极限运动不够”,如果你是女孩子那更是这样。50岁的普通英国男士要比15岁的普通英国女孩很可能健康得多。
B. 研究在英国表明,你没有足够的“极限运动”,尤其是如果你是女孩。50岁的普通英国男士要比15岁的普通英国女孩很可能健康得多。

“extreme exercise”is any activity that increases your heart rate and the amount of oxygen that your muscles burn. Fitness experts say that just twenty minutes of extreme exercise a day is enough.

A. 极限运动是任何一种运动,增加你的心率和肌肉耗氧量。健身专家说只要20分钟的极限运动一天就够了。
B. 极限运动是任何一种可以让你心率加速,肌肉耗氧量增多的运动。健身专家说每天只要20分钟的极限运动就够了。

“extreme exercise” improves your health, keeps your weight down, reduces stress and makes you sleep better. Of course, you still have to eat the right amount of the right food to keep fit.

A. 极限运动改善健康状况,减轻体重,舒缓压力,提高睡眠质量——当然啦,要保持身体健康,你吃的东西种类仍得正确而且适量。
B. 极限运动提高你的健康,保持体重,减小压力,使你睡眠好——当然啦,你要吃正确量的正确食物,并保持健康。
