The following sentence analyzed by the nested square brackets represents a syntactic analysis, that is the format of __________.[IP[NP[SPECThe [N’[N boy][I’[I-s[VP[V’[Vrepair [NPthe bicycle][PP [P’[P in [NPthe house]]].
A. X-bar theory
B. IC analysis
C. Merger operation
D. none of the above
In the following sentence, all the content words are nonsense words. Indicate the word class ofthe italicized nonsense word as follows.Example: The wrinzles are gumbling dompily.NounVerb AdverbMy gambat was droozumedby homhoms.
A. noun
B. verb
C. adjective
D. preposition
Syntax is a sub-field of linguistics that studies the structure of s_________ of a particularlanguage.
InX-bar theory, IP refers to InflectionalPhrase, while CP refers to C________Phrase.
In modern linguistics, we have a special type of words which are used to introduce complement clauses. In English, such kinds of words as that , for, ifare called c_______.