Death is regarded as the continuous event (linguistically it can be understood only as an event) that separates the continuous process of dying from the subsequent disintegration.
Brain death signifies death not because it is invariably imminently followed by asystole, but because it is accompanied by irreversible loss of critical cerebral functions. The concept of brain death as irreversible loss of the capacity of the organism to function as a whole that results from the permanent loss of its critical system is invalidated by the time lag between the diagnosis of brain death and cardiac arrest.
A. 对
B. 错
The whole brain formulation requires the bedside demonstration of irreversible cessation of all clinical functions of the brain, and is the most widely accepted.
A. 对
B. 错
Stories of successful magical replacement of lost tissues are found in the themes of folklore from all parts of the ancient world. The tales of restoration of lost limbs or eyes, and even replacement of decapitated heads, are hardly less popular in ancient lore than the raising of the dead or magical cures for paralysis or blindness. These transplant claims are found in the legends of all nations, from Iceland to Africa.
A. 对
B. 错
In ancient Greece, the fire-breathing Chimera (part lion, part goat, and part serpent) was the alarming creature of The Iliad that terrorized ancient Lycia in Turkey before the heroic Bellerophon destroyed it. The unpleasant lamia was a female who was part snake, and the harpies were ugly, winged birdwomen who stole food and abducted humans, while the manticore had a man's head, the body of a lion, and a scorpion's tail.
A. 对
B. 错