普洱茶的原料一般采用( )茶树鲜叶制作Pu 'er tea is generally made from fresh leaves of ( ) tea trees
A. 大叶种big-leave
B. 中叶种Mediate-leave
C. 小叶种little-leave
D. 野生wild
普洱毛茶的干燥方式必须是( )The drying method of Pu 'er semifinished tea must be ( )
A. 烘干bake
B. 炒干fried
C. 晒干sun-dry
D. 晾干air-dry
普洱茶按照制作工艺可分为( )和( )两类Pu 'er tea can be divided into ( ) and ( ) according to the manufacturing process
A. 生茶non-fermented tea
B. 熟茶fermented tea
C. 散茶Loose tea
D. 紧压茶Compressed tea
普洱茶的突出功效有( )The outstanding efficacy of Pu 'er tea includes ( )
A. 降三高lower three highs(high-blood presure, hyperlipemia, hyperglycemia)
B. 怯腻减肥degrease, lose weight
C. 消炎anti-inflammatory
D. 通便排毒defaecation, detoxification
普洱紧压茶的形状有:The shapes of compressed Pu 'er tea are as follows:
A. 饼茶Disc Tea
B. 坨茶Bowl-shaped tea
C. 砖茶Brick tea
D. 金瓜贡茶pumpkin-shaped tea