
炒青绿茶出现在下面哪个朝代Which dynasty did fried-fixation green tea appear in?

A. 唐Tang
B. 宋Song
C. 元Yuan
D. 明Ming


采摘一芽一叶制作而成的绿茶被称为The Green tea made by picking one bud and one leaf is called

A. 莲心lotus nut
B. 雀舌sparrow tongue
C. 旗枪Pole of the Flag
D. 银针silver needle

下列不属于绿茶的品种是The following varieties that are not green tea is

A. 铁观音Tieguanyin
B. 龙井Longjing
C. 碧螺春Biluochun
D. 太平猴魁Taiping Houkui

绿茶制作过程中,用高温钝化酶的活性使之不发酵的过程叫In the manufacturing of green tea, the process of non-fermentation by the activity of high-temperature passivating enzymes is called

A. 采青picking
B. 杀青fixation
C. 揉捻rolling
D. 干燥drying

我国历史最悠久的是The one with the longest history in our country is

A. 黄茶Yellow tea
B. 红茶Black tea
C. 绿茶Green tea
D. 白茶White tea
