
In the early 1900s, ___________ surgeon Alexis Carrel (1873–1944), in Lyon, France, the 'father of vascular surgery', was the first to suture two blood vessels together (vascular anastomosis), a procedure that made solid organ transplantation possible.

B. French
C. British
D. Spanish


OnDec23,______,Drs.JosephE.Murray(1919-2012)andJohnPutnamMerrill(FatherofNephrology)ofPeterBentBrighamHospital(nowBrighamandWomen'sHospital)inBostontransplantedakidneyfromonemonozygotictwintoanother.Rejectiondidnotoccurasprovenbyskintransplants,andtherecipientlivedanother8yearsbeforedyingofheartcomplications.Murray won the 1990 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

A. 1946
B. 1950
C. 1954
D. 1960

American surgeon Thomas Earl Starzl (1926-2017), the first to perform liver transplantations in 1963 at the Denver Veterans Administration Hospital, reported that the initial patients receiving liver transplants survived for a maximum of ____ days.

A. 15
B. 21
C. 30
D. 60

In ______, two intestinal transplants were attempted in infants by Ralph A. Deterling (1917–1992), a distinguished vascular surgeon at the Boston Floating Hospital, a long-established innovative pediatric unit associated with Tufts–New England Medical Center.

A. 1955
B. 1960
C. 1964
D. 1968

The first time a patient received a skin graft it would be rejected in 7 days. When a second graft was performed on the same person, it would be rejected in 3 days. The body had developed a specific response to the foreign tissue. This is now recognized as rejection, a _______________event.

A. biochemical
B. immunologic
C. biophysical
D. mechanical
