In June 2016, a group of leading synthetic biologists announced that they will launch a Human Genome Project-Write (HGP-Write) federation, which will develop the relevant synthetic-biology technology required to chemically synthesize the human genome. The technology, once established, will be applied to address many challenges, such as human organ transplantation, ultrasafe cells resistant to natural viruses, and the development of new therapeutic cell lines with resistance to cancer. The news again caused public discomfort and significant debates on the ethics of cutting-edge biological research.
A. Will research involve implantation of DNA into human embryonic cells? How should regulators deal with fairness in light of the high cost of the technology? Will the technology become a privilege for the rich?
B. The misuse of outcomes of the HGP-Write project may increase public fear of technology.
C. Although scientists have claimed that the project is not-for-profit, private investment may be involved; will the achievements of this project be monopolized by a few powerful companies, and only in developed countries?
D. At its second annual meeting in May 2017, the federation agreed that all ethical, social, and legal issues must be carefully studied in parallel with technology development, and a working group on ethical, social, and legal implications was formed to conduct an open discussion and ensure ethical boundaries of the project.
An efficient watermarking system in synthetic biology should have the following features:
A. The watermark does not influence the phenotype of the synthetic organism.
B. The watermark is not resistant to gene mutation.
C. The watermark can be identified and recovered by private or governmental authorizing entities for strain management.
D. The DNA watermark is resistant to a malicious attack.
A. In2018,theNationalAcademiesofScience,Engineering,andMedicineoftheUSpublishedareportentitled"Biodefenseintheageofsyntheticbiology".
B. Thereportconcludedthatsyntheticbiologyhasexpandedthelandscapeofpotentialdefenseconcerns,asaresult,ongoingstrategiesforchemicalandbiologicaldefenseshouldcontinue,&approachesshouldbepursuedtoaccountforthebroadercapabilitiesenabledbysyntheticbiology.
C. Inaddition,aframeworkforassessingsynthetic-biologycapabilitieswasproposed.
D. Basedonthisframework,thethreegreatestconcernsarethoughttoberelatedtonationalbiosecurity,namelyrecreationofknownpathogenicviruses,makingexistingbacteriamoredangerous,&productionofharmfulbiochemicalsviainsitusynthesis.
Which of the following statements about synthetic biology is correct?
A. Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology and engineering. It combines disciplines from biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, biophysics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, control engineering, and evolutionary biology.
B. It aims to the design and construction of novel artificial biological pathways, organisms or devices, or the redesign of existing natural biological systems for research, engineering and medical applications.
C. It is an emerging discipline that uses engineering principles to design and assemble biological components, a new emerging scientific field where ICT, biotechnology and nanotechnology meet and strengthen each other, designing and constructing biological modules, biological systems, and biological machines or, redesign of existing biological systems for useful purposes.
D. It is recently defined as the artificial design and engineering of biological systems and living organisms for purposes of improving applications for industry or biological research.
Which of the following statements about artificial life are correct?
Artificial life (often abbreviated 'ALife' or 'A-Life') is a field of study wherein researchers examine systems related to natural life, its processes, and its evolution, through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics, genetics, and biochemistry.
B. Artificial life studies the fundamental processes of living systems in artificial environments in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complex information processing that define such systems.
C. The discipline was named by Christopher Langton, an American theoretical biologist from Los Alamos National Laboratory, in 1986.
D. There are three main kinds of alife, named for their approaches: soft, from software; hard, from hardware (robotics); and wet, from biochemistry (i.e. synthetic biology).