
Which of the following types of differentiation refers to companies effectively designing their distribution medium's coverage, expertise, and performance to make buying the product easier and more enjoyable and rewarding?

A. services differentiation
B. channel differentiation
C. image differentiation
D. product differentiation
E. employee differentiation


If Starbucks(星巴克) considers quick-serve restaurants and convenience shops in its competitive frame of reference, then intended ________ might be quality, image, experience and variety, while intended ________ might be convenience and value.

C. substantiators; image variables
D. design variables; personality variables
E. image variables; personality variables

Subway restaurants are positioned as offering healthy, good-tasting sandwiches. When the competitive frame of reference is quick-serve restaurants like McDonald's, what is the POD?

A. health
B. taste
C. convenience
D. price
E. brand

Subway restaurants are positioned as offering healthy, great-tasting sandwiches. ________ positioning allows the brand to create a point-of-parity (POP) on taste and a point-of-difference (POD) on health with respect to quick-serve restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King and, at the same time, a POP on health and a POD on taste with respect to health food restaurants and cafés.

A. Category-based
B. Need-based
C. Noncomparitive
D. Straddle
E. Price-quality

The result of positioning is the successful creation of an employee-focused value proposition.

A. 对
B. 错
