
Synthetic biology is a powerful tool for the study of newly designed and synthesized biological systems with amazing novel functions. Its potential applications include:

A. biofuels, clean energy
B. new materials
C. bioweapon design
D. environmental protection


Toimplementstructural&functionalsyntheticmodulesintoanaturalchassisarchitecture,the key functional parts or devices often include:

A. switch
B. oscillator
C. filter & sensor
D. counter & memory

Some important equations used for modeling biological processes on the population or sub-population scale are:

A. logistic function
B. population balance equation
C. mass action rate equation
D. Hill equation


A. agriculture
B. clinical diagnosis
C. military applications
D. food science & engineering

The genes in JCV-syn3.0 can be classified into 4 major functional groups:

A. 1. genes responsible for the expression of genome information (195 genes)
B. 2. genes responsible for the preservation of genome information (34 genes)
C. 3. genes for maintaining cell membrane structure & function (84 genes)
D. 4. genes responsible for cytosolic metabolism (81 genes)
