

A. globalhealthpolicy,publichealthpolicy,policiesrelatedtopublichealth(e.g.vaccinationpolicy,tobaccocontrolpolicy,orbreastfeedingpromotionpolicy)
B. womenhealthpolicy,healthpolicyfortheelderly,healthpolicyforpatientswithaninfectiousdisease(e.g.HIV,tuberculosis,hepatitisB,Ebolainfection,Zikainfection,etc)
C. childrenhealthpolicy,mentalhealthpolicy,healthcarepolicy,healthcareservicespolicy,healthcarepaymentpolicy,healthcarefinancingpolicy
D. healthinsurancepolicy,personalhealthcarepolicy,pharmaceuticalpolicy,environmentalhealthpolicy,familyplanningpolicy


Why do all of us have a right to health?

A. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) asserts that medical care is a right of all people: — UDHR Article 25: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control."
B. In some jurisdictions & among different faith-based organizations, health policies are influenced by the perceived obligation shaped by religious beliefs to care for those in less favorable circumstances, including the sick.
C. There remains considerable controversy regarding policies on who would be paying the costs of medical care for all people and under what circumstances.
D. Another issue in the rights debate is governments' use of legislation to control competition among private medical insurance providers against national social insurance systems.

According to WHO's data of global child health, which of the following statements are correct?

A. 17,000 fewer children die each day than in 1990, but more than 5 million children still die before their fifth birthday each year. Since 2000, measles vaccines have averted nearly 15.6 million deaths.
B. Despite determined global progress, an increasing proportion of child deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. Four out of every five deaths of children under age five occur in these regions.
Children born into poverty are almost twice as likely to die before the age of five as those from wealthier families.
D. Children of educated mothers—even mothers with only primary schooling—are more likely to survive than children of mothers with no education.


A. Perceptionsthatpubliclyfundedhealthcareisfreecanleadtooveruseofmedicalservices,andhenceraiseoverallcostscomparedtoprivatehealthfinancing.
B. Privatelyfundedmedicineleadstogreaterqualityandefficienciesthroughincreasedaccesstoandreducedwaitingtimesforspecializedhealthcareservicesandtechnologies.
C. Limitingtheallocationofpublicfundsforpersonalhealthcaredoesnotcurtailtheabilityofuninsuredcitizenstopayfortheirhealthcareasout-of-pocketexpenses.Publicfundscanbebetterrationalizedtoprovideemergencycareservicesregardlessofinsuredstatusorabilitytopay,suchaswiththeEmergencyMedicalTreatmentandActiveLaborActintheUnitedStates.
D. Privatelyfundedandoperatedhealthcarereducestherequirementforgovernmentstoincreasetaxestocoverhealthcarecosts,whichmaybecompoundedbytheinefficienciesamonggovernmentagenciesduetotheirgreaterbureaucracy.


A. Maternal mortality has fallen by 37% since 2000. In Eastern Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Asia, maternal mortality has declined by around 2/3.
C. Onlyhalfofwomenindevelopingregionsreceivetherecommendedamountofhealthcaretheyneed.
D. Fewerteensarehavingchildreninmostdevelopingregions,butprogresshasslowed.Thelargeincreaseincontraceptiveuseinthe1990swasnotmatchedinthe2000s.Theneedforfamilyplanningisslowlybeingmetformorewomen,butdemandisincreasingatarapidpace.
