A. 处理效果好
B. 无再生资源
C. 结构简单
D. 对污水适应性好
口语对话顺序乱序摆正:1.Here you are. Is that all?2.How much would you like?3.Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?4.Here you are.5.Sure. Anything else?6.We have some good ones over there. They are ripe and fresh.7.Yes. I’d like some grapes, but they don’t look so good.8.Ah… yes, some peaches.9.Yes. How much are they?10.Ten yuan.11.I’d like three kilos, please.12.Great. Can I have two kilos?请选择你认为正确的顺序:
A.3→6→7 →12 →2 →8 →5 → 11→ 9 → 1→ 10 → 4
B.3→7→6 →9→5 →8 →2 → 11→ 4→ 12 → 10 → 1
C.3→7→6 →12 →5 →8 →2 → 11→ 1 → 9 → 10 → 4
D.3→7→12 →6 →5 →8 →4 → 11→ 1 → 9 → 10 → 2
A. 对
B. 错
A. 数字化电话服务中心服务
B. 营业大厅人工服务
C. 服务人员上门服务
D. 营业大厅顾客自己解决
网络多媒体客服中心属于第( )代呼叫中心。
A. 第一
B. 第二
C. 第三
D. 第四