
    根据中文填空,所填单词首字母已给出。注意使用正确的动词形式。1. 加强人们对全球变暖问题的认识的教育工作正在进行之中。An educational effort to h_____________ awareness about global warming is currently underway.2. 那些爆炸一定是在我们离开后发生的,因为我们什么也没听到Those explosions must have been s______________ to our departure, because we didn’t hear anything.3. 我绝对不同情那些考试作弊的学生。I have absolutely no s_____________ for students who cheat on tests.4. 她和她老公都觉得一边抚养孩子一边从事自己的事业并不矛盾。Neither she nor her husband feels c______________ about pursuing their careers while raising children.5. 在春季和秋季那些暴雨季节,我不得不整天呆在屋里。During the rain storms in the spring and fall, I was c_____________ to the house all day.6. 新主管可能会在人员上作大的变动。The new director is likely to make major changes in p_____________.7. 在某些情况下取消旅行是旅游保险单中所包括的。Cancellation under certain c__________________ is covered by your travel insurance policy.8. 每天早上醒来,我的手都会本能地伸向手机。I________________, my hand reaches for my phone after I wake up every morning.9. 这些植物需遮蔽起来,免受阳光直射。These plants should be s_____________ from direct sunlight.10. 我还清楚地记得祖母坐在摇椅里织毛衣的情景。I have a d_____________ memory of my grandma sitting in the rocking chair, knitting.


    根据中文句子填空,首字母已给出。请注意使用正确时态。1. 我们需要成为彼此的天使,互相给予力量和安慰。We need to be angels for each other, to give each other strength and c________________.2. 死海海水密度很大,即使不会游泳的游客也能在水面漂浮。The water in the Dead Sea is so d__________ that even tourists who can't swim will be able to float.3. 随着日本企业向全球扩展业务,他们希望招聘更多既会日语又会说其他语言的外国学生。As Japanese companies push to g__________ their operations, they're keen to hire more foreign students who speak languages other than Japanese.4. 他们希望看到更多的女性在管理或职业的阶梯上占据高位。They want to see more women take their place higher up the c____________ or professional ladder.5. 俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。Russian is the one c____________ foreign language on the school curriculum.6. 他固执地不接受任何新事物,最终让上司失去了耐心。His s______________ resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors.7. 这是座很不错的城市,唯一的不足就是连年阴雨。It's a great city. But the only d___________ is the rainy weather over the year.8. 她的发言有几处前后不一致和模棱两可。There were several inconsistencies and a_______________ in her speech.9. 在英汉互译中,直译和意译是两种重要的翻译方法。In English and Chinese translation, the l____________ translation and free translation are two important methods.10. 她躺在床上仔细考虑了很久究竟该学文科还是理科。She lay in bed c_______________ for a long time whether to study liberal arts or science.
