根据中文填空,所填单词首字母已给出。注意使用正确的动词形式。1. 加强人们对全球变暖问题的认识的教育工作正在进行之中。An educational effort to h_____________ awareness about global warming is currently underway.2. 那些爆炸一定是在我们离开后发生的,因为我们什么也没听到Those explosions must have been s______________ to our departure, because we didn’t hear anything.3. 我绝对不同情那些考试作弊的学生。I have absolutely no s_____________ for students who cheat on tests.4. 她和她老公都觉得一边抚养孩子一边从事自己的事业并不矛盾。Neither she nor her husband feels c______________ about pursuing their careers while raising children.5. 在春季和秋季那些暴雨季节,我不得不整天呆在屋里。During the rain storms in the spring and fall, I was c_____________ to the house all day.6. 新主管可能会在人员上作大的变动。The new director is likely to make major changes in p_____________.7. 在某些情况下取消旅行是旅游保险单中所包括的。Cancellation under certain c__________________ is covered by your travel insurance policy.8. 每天早上醒来,我的手都会本能地伸向手机。I________________, my hand reaches for my phone after I wake up every morning.9. 这些植物需遮蔽起来,免受阳光直射。These plants should be s_____________ from direct sunlight.10. 我还清楚地记得祖母坐在摇椅里织毛衣的情景。I have a d_____________ memory of my grandma sitting in the rocking chair, knitting.
根据中文填空,所填单词首字母已给出。注意使用正确的动词形式。1. 这个年轻人一直有从政的雄心壮志。The young man has always had political a______________.2. 政府应该取消低收入者的所得税。The government should a____________ income tax for the low-paid.3. 系紧肩带,这样它们才不会从你的肩上滑下来。Tighten the shoulder straps so they won't s__________ off your shoulders.4. 对方已请求暂停交战。The other party has appealed for a h_________ to the fighting.5. 万一临时保姆来不了,我还有我母亲可以帮忙。I've got my mother as a b___________ in case the babysitter cannot come.6. 越野旅行包括跨越一条汹涌的急流。The field trip involved crossing a r__________ torrent.7. 洪水已淹没了岛上的部分地区,有29人丧生。Floods have s____________ parts of the island, killing 29 people.8. 一名男子在医院的台阶上突然昏倒了。A man had c_____________ on the hospital steps.9. 那个女人的脸上没有流露出任何感情。The woman's face b___________ no emotion.10. 军队的全部力量也击不垮他们。The full m__________ of the army could not defeat them.
Watch the video clip in this chapter and choose the best answers for the following questions.1. The most possible job of Marc is _______________.
A. a boxer
B. a football player
C. a wrestler
D. a basketball player
Watch the video clip in this chapter and choose the best answers for the following questions.Where was Marc when he heard that his mother died?
At home
B. At a hotel
C. At a stadium
D. In a street
Watch the video clip in this chapter and choose the best answers for the following questions.When did Mac say "You are my hero." to her mother?
At a hotel room in Japan
B. In the street of Hiroshima
C. In the dinning room
D. At her mother's funeral