A. Significant signs and symptoms are found clinically; B. The pathogens would be eliminated completely after recovery from infection; C. Pathogens could be transmitted to other persons; D. The bacterial virulence is higher, the host immunity is weaker;
A. bacteremia. B. septicemia, C. toxemia, D. endotoxemia. E. pyemia
A. bacteremia, B. toxemia, C. septisemia, D. endotoxemia.
A. bacteremia: B. toxemia, C. septisemia, D. endotoxemia. E. pyemia
A. bacteremia: B. toxemia, C. septisemia, D. pyemia E. endotoxemia.
A. It occurs infrequently at no predictable time scattered over a largearea or population. B. It normally occurs in a given geographic area. C. It is an epidemic that occurs on more than one continent at thesame time. D. It is a disease that occurs more frequently than usual for ageographical area or group of people.
A. prevalence: B. incidence, C. epidemic, D. endemic
A. Long term and large doses antibiotics treatment: B. Long term chemotherapy against tumor, C. Infection happens after tooth extraction; D. Long term hormone therapy.
A. shock B. fever C. hypertension DIC