A. 闭合性颅脑损伤
B. 开发性颅脑损伤
C. 脑疝
D. 右颞脑挫裂伤
E. 蛛网膜下腔出血
F. 2型糖尿病
G. 右枕头皮血肿
H. 左枕头皮裂伤
关于非金融企业债务融资工具,以下说法正确的有()。 Ⅰ注册会议评议结论为推迟接受注册的,企业可于2个月后重新提交注册文件 Ⅱ企业定向发行注册文件形式完备的,交易商协会接受注册,注册有效期1年 Ⅲ首次公开发行债务融资工具,应至少于发行日前3个工作日公布发行文件 Ⅳ注册会议由注册办公室从注册专家名单中随机抽取5名注册专家参加 Ⅴ2名(含)以上注册专家发表“推迟接受注册”意见的,会议结论为推迟接受注册;其他情形下,会议结论为接受注册
A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ
B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ
C. Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ
D. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ
E. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ
学习语文课本中的《小珊迪》后,教师提问:"你最喜欢这篇课文的哪一段?"几个学生踊跃发言,表达自己对课文的喜爱。随后老师叫了一个没有举手的同学,要他说说自己喜欢的句子。小男生慢吞吞地站了起来,说了句:"我都不喜欢。"老师批评了他,小男生一声不吭地坐下了,看得出来他心里很不服气。学生可以不喜欢课文吗?老师的说法是:"我认为不可以。不喜欢不就等于可以不学了吗?再说,教材选的都是好文章。" 问题:试结合建构主义的学习理论进行分析。
You are the network administrator for TestKing.com Active Directory domain. The domain includes Windows Server 2003 domain controllers and Windows XP Professonal client computers. A new administrator named Sandra is hired to assist you in deploying Windows XP Professional to 100 new computers. Sandra installs the operating system on a new computer named TestKing11. However, when Sandra tries to log on to the domain from TestKing11, she is unsuccessful. The logon box does now allow her to view and select the domain name. You need to ensure that Sandra can log on to the domain from TestKing11. What should you do?()
A. Enable the computer account for Testking11.
B. Configure TestKing11 as a member of the domain.
C. Add Sandra's user account to the Enterprise Admins group.
D. Add Sandra's user account to the Server Operators group.